Grapevine phenology : a biological clock to time vineyard management operations
Phenology is the study of recurring events in the life cycle of plants and animals and how these cycles are affected by seasonal changes or …Read More

Agronomist and scientific editor
Vintel, the best vineyard irrigation in times of climate change : the Italian experience
Vineyard irrigation is a necessary part of vineyard management in dry wine growing regions where winegrowers completely or partly rely on irrigation water. With irrigation, …Read More

Agronomist and scientific editor
Nutrient management planning in the vineyard: how to optimize nitrogen fertilization ?
Nitrogen as fertilizer in the vineyard
Nitrogen (N) plays a major role in all grapevine physiological processes. It is considered as a macronutrient, as it is …Read More

Agronomist and scientific editor
How to prevent cow heat stress on your dairy farm? Evaluating resilience with Heat’Adapt
Cow heat stress: how is it caused by climate change?
Cow heat stress is a state that occurs when the body temperature of cattle increases and …Read More

Agronomist and scientific editor
Impact of heat stress on cow milk production and fertility. Is your dairy farm ready to face heat waves?
This summer has just started but it has already been marked by some extreme heat episodes in central Europe. During the second and third week …Read More

Agronomist and scientific editor
ITK creates new opportunities to reduce carbon, without reducing agricultural production
After producing one of the first French technological demonstrators for the estimation of carbon storage in agricultural soils, ITK is developing services and management tools …Read More

Agronomist and scientific editor