itk was at the FSD conference in Montpellier (7-10 September 2015)
FSD is an informal interdisciplinary scientific community of practice to promote research and capacity building on farming systems design. The conference spoke about “Multi-functional farming …Read More

Predict and Decide
The 7th edition of the Vinitiques
itk presented in front of 80 peoples, it’s mobile apps for viticulture during this 7th edition of the Vinitiques on the 22 of April in …Read More

Predict and Decide
GFIA – Abu Dhabi – from 9 to 11 march 2015
itk unveiled it’s news solution, CropWin, during it’s conference at the GLOBAL FORUM INNOVATION AGRICULTURE.

Predict and Decide
Regional Prefect visiting itk
The Languedoc-Roussillon’s region Prefect, Pierre de Bousquet visited itk on February 17th 2015. He was accompanied by Chantal Marion, vice-president of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole delegate of sustainable development. …Read More

Predict and Decide