Crop diseases have always been the farmer’s nightmare because of their destructive impact on crop yield and quality. FAO estimates that annually between 20 to …Read More

Agronomist and scientific editor
Winter / Spring
Identify high potential/risk fields in season
See the yield gap as well as water and nitrogen stress indices for the coming week.
These two pieces of information enable the user to organise the harvest and optimise the quality of the maize silage
It also makes it possible to anticipate a bad year and to obtain food or other fodder
Regional or multi-farm yield forecasts are available from day one of the season. Get the best quality yield estimate from Cropwin up to 2-3 months before the actual harvest.
Yield prediction for the field knowing cultural practices entered in Cropwin.
Maximum yield still possible to achieve with optimized water and nitrogen applications.
Before the season, use Cropwin to define the optimal fertilization and irrigation programs (2.6 t/ha here).
During the season and thank to daily updated weather data, refine the program and make adjustment to close the yield gap (2.3 t/ha here). Cropwin allow user to refine these programs and make adjustment to close the yield gap (2.6 t/ha + 2.3 t/ha here).
Anticipate vulnerable stages and periods of field
Visualize rainfall, temperature, global radiation and growing degree days on the field.
Visualization of soil water content and water stress during season. Red and light blue zones indicate water deficit situations. Adding of irrigation will change water stress and yield prediction.
Allows to visualize the nitrogen supply capacity of the soil in relation to the demand of the plant. Nitrogen fertilization will decrease field ROI if the yield limiting factor is water. Managing both water and nitrogen help to understand if and when it’s necessary to apply nitrogen fertilization.
Fictive case
Planted on 04/15/2020 with no cultural pratice applied. Predicted yield is 9t/ha and yield gap is 8.6 t/ha. For this fields, there is a clear interest in optimizing cultural practices to close the yield gap. Nitrogen chart indicates a high level of stress starting early in crop cycle (before 3-leaf stage).
Following the application of nitrogen fertilizer (after crop emergence), nitrogen stress is reduced and predicted yield is increased to 11.1 t/ha. Yield gap is also decreased to 7.4 t/h, accordingly. Yield gain of this fertilization is 2.1 t/ha and corresponding ROI is 299 euros/ha.
When looking at a crop model for maize, there’s one glaring message that stands out: The crop needs more nitrogen in later life cycles that most users may be providing. The second conclusion? Fall application of nitrogen may not have the following-year benefit many hope to achieve.
Jay Culver, technical agronomist, South Dakota Wheat Growers, works with users raising more than wheat. During a demonstration of the WinField United Field Forecasting Tool, he observed that nitrogen use for maize— as an example — does currently match how users are putting it on.
What we’re seeing is that splitting that nitrogen application is boosting efficiency,
During a demonstration at a recent national Answer Field tour event for WinField United, maiz that got a spring application of 75 pounds of nitrogen, followed by a midseason 75 pounds, was outperforming fields that got 300 pounds in one shot ahead of planting. That’s a 150 pound savings per acre in nitrogen applied.
Crop modeling tools like the Field Forecasting Tool can further demonstrate ways to boost nitrogen efficiency.
Source :
In 2017, Valley United conducted a beta test on a 160 acre cornfield using Winfield’s Field Forecasting Tool® (FFT). This grower typically does a side-dress application with 30 units of nitrogen in late June, around the V4-V6 stage.
Within FFT, you can create heat maps that calculate yield responses with different application dates and rates, so we ran a scenario the day they started side-dressing.
FFT was telling us if we delayed the application to after July 4th (about V6-V7), we would see a greater response. So we decided to split the field into two 80s, and side-dress the north 80 with a ‘normal’ timing (end of June), and the south 80 we would delay application until after the Fourth.
When harvest came and yield data was analyzed, the south 80 did in fact produce higher yields with the same amount of fertilizer, and was within a couple of bushels of what FFT had projected. By following FFT’s recommendation and delaying their side-dress nitrogen application by about a week that year, they increased their yield and revenue/acre.
Source :
Focus on Cropwin®, commercialized by WinField United in the US and Canada under the brand name : R7 Field Forecasting Tool®.
Cropwin® allows growers and their consultants to make the best in-season decision for maize, soybean and wheat irrigation and fertilization, to optimizer their yields and maximize their RoI.
The tool was tested for 3 years on 344 maize fields and predicted yields with 83.8% accuracy.
AgPro readers voted the R7 Field Forecasting Tool® (FFT) as the 2017 New Product of The Year.
WinField United collaborated with af technology leader itk in the development of the R7 FFT®.
Crop diseases have always been the farmer’s nightmare because of their destructive impact on crop yield and quality. FAO estimates that annually between 20 to …Read More
Agronomist and scientific editor
In the United States, agricultural professionals use yield prediction maps for the management of agricultural stocks and increasingly for the assessment of risks for the …Read More
Predict and Decide
The Cropwin solution allows farmers to simultaneously control irrigation and nitrogen inputs to the plot. The season view with a weather forecast allows users to anticipate …Read More
Predict and Decide
The AgroTIC Chair (Montpellier Supagro/Bordeaux Sciences Agro) organised a webinar on 21 April 2020 on the theme “Measuring and estimating yield: what are the benefits …Read More
Predict and Decide