The AgroTIC Chair (Montpellier Supagro/Bordeaux Sciences Agro) organised a webinar on 21 April 2020 on the theme “Measuring and estimating yield: what are the benefits and uses of digital tools”.
The major interest of this event was to present both testimonials from actors in yield forecasting in the field and AgTech companies, for all geographical scales, from the plot to the continent.
Initially planned as a seminar, this meeting had to be transformed into a webinar due to the lockdown. But this did not affect its audience, since it was attended by more than 300 spectators, who were able to exchange freely with the participants thanks to the animation provided by Pierre Compère of Agri-Sud-Ouest Innovation.
itk presented its yield forecasting offer for field crops (corn, wheat soy), based on the synergy between the crop models of its Cropwin® platform and remote sensing satellite imagery. This forecasting offer was presented by Philippe Stoop, Director of Research & Innovation at itk.
The recording of the webinar will soon be available on the AgroTIC website:

Philippe Stoop
Research & Innovations Director

Predict and Decide