On 12 June, Agropolis International (Montpellier) hosted the Annual Review of New Uses of Connected Agriculture, co-organised by the ANRT (National Association for Research and Technology) and the DigitAg Convergence Institute.
This seminar was an opportunity to take stock of advances in connected agriculture, and particularly in Artificial Intelligence applied to decision support.
A strong trend emerges from most of the day’s presentations: digital agriculture is becoming more and more important as an instrument for a more inclusive conception of agricultural research and communication on agriculture.
The presentation by Philippe Stoop, our Director of Research & Innovation, was along these lines, showing, through the example of the collaboration between itk and the Seenergi group (livestock consultancy), how Artificial Intelligence can create new complementarities between public research work and on-farm experimentation.
It also underlines, on the example of the Ecophyto plan, that digital agriculture could provide more relevant indicators for the steering of public agricultural policies.
Find the presentation here.

Predict and Decide