Since 1 March 2020, all companies with more than 50 employees have to calculate and publish their Gender Equality Index on their website. This obligation guarantees the transparency of companies in terms of equal pay and equal employment opportunities. Itk obtained a score of 93/100 in 2022, which underlines its exemplary nature.
Since its creation, itk has taken concrete actions to promote diversity and respect gender equality in its compensation policy. The glass ceiling does not apply in the company, which has always positioned both women and men as managers and product owners. By obtaining a score of 93/100, itk demonstrates the effectiveness of its gender equality policy in the workplace.
Knowing that the average score obtained by French companies with less than 250 employees is 86/100, itk’s score confirms the exemplary nature of its human values. These values have evolved recently during an internal collaborative work carried out at the end of 2019. This work has enabled the company’s cardinal values to emerge: benevolence, respect, collective commitment, solidarity and sharing.
In the midst of a growth phase, itk continues to recruit high value-added talent. If you wish to join a young, dynamic, agile company, go to the Talents page!
Why this obligation?
The obligation to calculate and communicate the gender equality index applies the Labour Law principle of “equal pay for work of equal value”. Indeed, companies with a score below 75 /100 will have three years to take corrective measures. If companies do not improve their equality index within three years, a financial penalty of up to 1% of their payroll will be introduced.
This index was created in support of Decree n°2019-15 of January 8, 2019 of the Law for the Freedom to Choose One’s Professional Future. It amends the Labour Code, notably on professional equality between men and women and gives companies an obligation of result.
Which companies are newly concerned?
All companies with at least 50 employees established in France must now meet this obligation. Indeed, in 2019, the decree was only applicable to companies with at least 250 employees. However, since 1 March 2020, the obligation applies to all companies with at least 50 employees.

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