From left to right : Gilbert Brillant, Sandra Tourrière Mercie, Nicolas Nguyen The, Anysia Vicens, Andy Beaux and Laurent Bruckler. Photo credit Véronique Perini - Qualiméditerranée
At the General Assembly of the Qualiméditerranée competitiveness cluster on 22 June 2017, itk emerged as winner of the “Coup d’cœur” operation: first prize for the innovative project 2017.
Itk presented in 3 minutes the project “FUI DISP’EAU”, the development of a ADO that spread over a period of 4 years (2009 to 2013).
The second prize was awarded to the Sun’Agri 3 project sponsored by Sun’Air, of which itk is a partner.
Thanks again for this award !
Predict and Decide