The field crop team has delivered a new version of Cropwin® that is more ergonomic and allows us to optimize the quality of yield prediction by comparing the field data entered with the model data. New inputs are available to the user: yield, grain moisture and harvest date.
Numerous nitrogen needs are currently being observed on wheat plots, as the crops were able to take advantage of exceptional growing conditions. This is the logical consequence of a mild winter and generous rainfall. In some regions of France, the excess rainfall has caused delays in field work. Farmers were not able to make their first nitrogen inputs until mid-March instead of the end of January/mid-February.
In this current context, Cropwin® allows farmers to measure their nitrogen needs and to closely monitor the fertilization of their plots to ensure a good quality harvest and optimal yield.
In the first screen, the nitrogen need appears following the first nitrogen supply on 20/03. In the second screen, the nitrogen fractioning recommendations according to the Cropwin® recommendations are shown. This enables a yield of 61 qx/ha to be achieved with a capital gain of 402€/ha for 193 U of N added.

Predict and Decide