itk has presented at the UGWS (in January 26-28th at Sacramento) the very first connected object for agriculture: an autonomous flowmeter which measures in real time the quantities of water irrigated per blocks.
The flowmeter is associated to the Vintel software which allows to reduce at least 30% the volume of water used, while assuring a perfect control of the needs for cultivated plants.
The solution developed by itk, who establishes the first one, is capable to adapt the supply of water to the weather report, the quantities of water perspired by the culture, but also by the cover crop and the evaporated water by the ground.
“The wine grower can pilot in real time and with precision the vine stress of his vineyard and so to reach his goals of production”, confirms Eric Jallas, the founder and leader of itk.
Created in 2003, itk is a French company which employs today 52 employees, that is 10 more than at the beginning of last year. The company aspires to be well-known all around the world in the expanding sector of decision support systems for agriculture.
The development of its connected flowmeter joins clearly this strategy. Concerning the marketing of this new product,
itk will propose a kit of 3 autonomous flowmeters and a “Gateway”, in option of the Vintel solution.
This solution implements the most recent innovations:
– Agronomical modelling: real time simulation of the hydric status of vineyards: The Vintel software was developed in partnership with the French agronomic research (Inra, Cirad), technical organizations
(ACH, the agriculture chamber of Hérault) and professionals (Sieur d’Arques, Foncalieu, Geocarta).
– Connectivity: a connected flowmeter, a receiver and its interface: Designed with Ineo-Sense, it implements the protocol LoRa who offers a great distance communication (up to 3km) in
an environment extremely unfavorable due to the distribution of the radio waves.
– Autonomy of energy: Based on a technology of the Leti, the CEA Tech institute, the flowmeter is autonomous in energy, so it doesn’t require
For further information :
Laïd Hafssa
+33 (0)6 78 44 48 85

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