The confinement linked to the covid-19 health crisis has forced many companies to evolve rapidly and to adopt the practice of telework on a massive scale. What new practices will emerge from this unprecedented period and how will work organisation evolve?

Changing habits

When the type of activity was appropriate, everyone was forced to telework from home. This confinement has led some companies, initially reluctant to telework, to adopt the practice in order to maintain their activity at all costs. On this occasion, new habits and rituals have emerged within organizations, in order to keep the link between employees: video afterwork, coffee breaks recreated virtually, Zoom meetings …

Read our article: Rituals: afterworks, coffee breaks, how colleagues stay connected at itk

However, telework can bring new risks. Confinement has created new conditions in the practice of telework and the borderline between professional and private life has been reduced. Companies have had to pay more attention to the health of their employees and the potential risks of burn-out. As more and more meetings are held via video-conferencing, fatigue has increased. Some employees have spent whole days in different virtual meetings without being able to escape the constant flow: this has been called the “Zoom Burnout”.

Some of those who had good conditions at home have taken a liking for this new work organisation, which allows more flexibility, less time spent in transport and thus a less stressful working life overall. In this uncertain context where social distancing rules must be applied, what are the new telework practices of tomorrow?

New trends are emerging

Widening the practice of telework seems to suit most of the working population with an appropriate job typology, in France and worldwide. According to a study carried out by LinkedIn News, out of 32,000 professionals who responded to the survey, 56% would like to telework at least 1 to 2 days a week.

Major groups have taken the decision to allow teleworking until the end of the year (Facebook and Google). Twitter has taken more radical measures since the company is allowing its employees to continue teleworking permanently, even after the covid-19 crisis is over. Only employees who, through their assignments, are required to be physically present will have to return to the office. (Source: Les Echos)

However, how can telework be reconciled with the advantages of face-to-face work, while respecting the rules of social distancing?

A flexible work organisation, combining telework and face-to-face work, seems to be the best approach for companies. This new flexibility is developing, but not without raising new questions: should dedicated flexible offices be set up? at what pace? for whom? These questions will undoubtedly be answered in the coming months and itk is one of the companies that will associate their teams in a global reflection on tomorrow’s workspaces.