PRESTO: tomato harvest forecasting is the key to optimise supply chain operations and negotiate the market price of tomatoes
The PRESTO Innovation wins the SIMA gold award
This November at SIMA, ITK wins the first prize for innovation (SIMA gold award) within the “technology and …Read More

Agronomist and scientific editor
Agricultural insurances: improving climate risk predictions using crop models
Towards a new compensation system for French farmers
In the last years the French system for the compensation of crop losses has revealed its shortcomings. It …Read More

Agronomist and scientific editor
ITK creates new opportunities to reduce carbon, without reducing agricultural production
After producing one of the first French technological demonstrators for the estimation of carbon storage in agricultural soils, ITK is developing services and management tools …Read More

Agronomist and scientific editor
Crop production: itk allows to predict county-level yield in the USA earlier than USDA
In the United States, agricultural professionals use yield prediction maps for the management of agricultural stocks and increasingly for the assessment of risks for the …Read More

Predict and Decide
Cropwin makes national yield forecasts for corn and wheat!
The Cropwin solution allows farmers to simultaneously control irrigation and nitrogen inputs to the plot. The season view with a weather forecast allows users to anticipate …Read More

Predict and Decide
[REPLAY] Transcription of Philippe Stoop’s intervention at the AgroTIC webinar
Philippe Stoop, Director of Research & Innovation at itk, took part in the AgroTIC webinar “Measuring and estimating yield: what contributions and uses of digital …Read More

Predict and Decide